Randy D Pearson


Randy D Pearson

Randy D Pearson

Action & Adventure, Humor, Teen & Young Adult

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  • Member Since

    Dec 2015

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    11 November

  • Profession

    Author, Humorist, Storyteller


I was born in a horse stall in Wyoming... no wait, that wasn't me. I emerged from a large, pale blue egg... nah, couldn't be. I was probably born in a small town in Michigan, started creating stuff in my head cuz TV was like 3 channels, then I learned to write that stuff down cuz, again, 3 channels. Now, I am married, have a lovely step-daughter, and have been published in about a dozen different anthologies.

My debut novel, Driving Crazy, came out in June 2015. People seem to like the silliness and action the book represents (and it may even become a movie - a Michigan-based production company recently bought the option).

April 2016 saw the release of Tell Me a Story, my short story collection. (Ray Walsh of the Lansing State Journal called it "wonderfully quirky," comparing it to that of O. Henry and Roald Dahl.)

My action/adventure/comedy novel Trac Brothers came out in 2018 (called "hard to put down" and an "entertaining and memorable story"), and 2020 saw the sequel, Trac Brothers II - Santascoy's Revenge.

And now, I present to you, the story that had been in my head for over 30 years... the sci-fi comedy called Off-Worlding.


Tell Me a Story Book Trailer

Randy D Pearson Books

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